Legal Services
Servicios legales en Panamá Legal Business

Legal services in Panama

Our legal services proposal is focused on being a one stop shop for clients who require a comprehensive service to establish their businesses in Panama. We are pleased to be a legal firm and at the same time a strategic business ally for our clients and to keep up to date with all legislative and regulatory changes. This allows us to be the legal advisors that every investor or entrepreneur requires to be able to carry out procedures from the simplest to the most complex and to be able to start their businesses with a solid legal foundation.

As a law firm in Panama, we have extensive experience representing our clients in their procedures with the State, government entities and authorities, as well as with banking institutions nationwide. We have the capacity to provide assistance in all processes that must be carried out before Ministries, the General Directorate of Revenue (DGI), the National Land Administration Authority (ANATI), the Public Registry, Regulatory Entities and Superintendencies.

Derecho Administrativo en Panamá

Among the services we offer in matters of Administrative Law we have:

  • Obtaining Business Licenses.
  • Intellectual Property Registry.
  • Commercial and Industrial Records.
  • Shareholder and Confidentiality Agreements.
  • Registrable Commercial Documents.
  • Government Tenders and Concessions.
  • Translations into various languages.
Derecho Mercantil y Corporativo | Panamá Legal Business

We have extensive experience in Commercial and Corporate Law

Our legal team, as a strategic business ally, not only accompanies and advises our clients in the various scenarios and stages of their business, we also assist them in the planning and evaluation of their projects, evaluating risks efficiently.

At Panama Legal Business we advise and guide our clients who wish to establish companies that engage in commercial activities from the beginning. We have the experience to restructure existing businesses in order to organize their structure and prevent corporate risks that affect the operation of the company. Our advice ranges from the constitution of companies, start-up and all aspects and administrative and legal issues at the corporate level.

Our Corporate Department offers the following services:

  • Departamento corporativo de Panamá Legal BusinessIncorporation of Public Limited Companies.
  • Advice on Corporate Structures (Companies, Private Interest Foundations).
  • Opening of Branches and Subsidiaries, Representative Offices and Permanent Establishments.
  • Review of Commercial Contracts.
  • Dissolutions and Liquidations of Companies.
  • Corporate Restructuring.
  • Fusions and acquisitions.
  • Shareholder Agreements.
  • Empowerment.

In commercial matters we can help you with the following procedures:

  • Obtaining, Modification and Cancellation of Operation Notice.
  • Review or drafting of loan agreement
  • Review or drafting of service agreements
  • Review or drafting of share purchase agreements
  • confidentiality agreements
  • Any other procedure that requires the review or drafting of commercial contracts or documents to operate your company.

As strategic business allies of our clients, we advise them on tax audits, scope before the General Directorate of Revenue, we also focus on investigations or advice that require legal and accounting advice.

Likewise, we provide advice and assistance to benefit from the double taxation and information exchange treaties signed by Panama.

Derecho Fiscal en Panamá

Tax Law | Panama Legal Business

The scope of our services in tax matters may cover the following topics:

  • Tax planning and compliance.
  • International tax planning.
  • Tax advice on double taxation treaties.
  • Transnational tax structures.
  • Preparation, review, return of tax returns.
  • Advice on taxation of non-profit entities.
  • Filing of appeals for reconsideration, appeal and annulment.
  • Representation in tax litigation.
  • Representation in tax arbitration.


Derecho Laboral en Panamá

We are specialists in Labor Law in Panama

We are specialists in the preparation of all types of employment contracts, whether for national workers or expatriate personnel assigned to Panama. Before the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development, we take charge of obtaining endorsements and approvals of employment contracts, addenda and regulations.

We advise small and large companies on all aspects of Panamanian labor legislation, so that they can be duly informed of all existing risks when making labor decisions, so that they comply with the legal framework established in our Code of Worked.

Elaboración de contratos laborales, tanto individuales como colectivos en PanamáOur advisory service on Labor Law in Panama covers the following topics:

  • Preparation of employment contracts, both individual and collective, including employment contracts for expatriate personnel assigned to Panama.
  • Representation in lawsuits before the corresponding authorities and/or labor courts.
  • Preventive advice that includes review of disciplinary and dismissal procedures.
Derecho Marítimo en Panamá

Maritime Law Experts in Panama

Panama has a high ship registry due to the Panama Canal and its relatively easy and flexible registration process and requirements, among other advantages.

At Panama Legal Business we have experience in all aspects related to the different maritime activities, such as: transport of goods by sea, maritime insurance and maritime law.

Our team is able to advise our clients in the process to obtain the registration of yachts and ships in Panama, in addition to the following specialized services in the Maritime area:

  • Registration or Cancellation of Mortgages.
  • Change of Owner.
  • Obtaining Radio License.
  • Patent Extension.
  • Cancellation of Panamanian Registry.
  • Change of Dimensions.
  • Request for Consent of Sale.
  • Obtaining Ship Certificates.
  • Investigations in the Public Registry.
Bienes Raíces en Panamá

Legal experience in Real Estate in Panama

Our legal team has extensive experience in complex real estate transactions, purchase and sale operations, leasing, construction and project financing.

In the case of investors or businessmen who wish to acquire a property in Panama, we focus on providing them with comprehensive assistance, with the aim that their stay in Panama be pleasant and that they can learn about all the possibilities of purchasing goods that our country offers.

We also have experience advising promoters of residential, commercial and tourist projects in all phases of development.

Our country has legal frameworks that seek to encourage investment in tourism and our lawyers have the knowledge to advise each client on how to benefit from these incentives.

Among the services we offer in real estate we have:

Estructuración Financiera de Proyectos Inmobiliarios y Compras.

  • Verification of Legal Situation of Real Estate.
  • Financial Structuring of Real Estate Projects and Purchases.
  • Promotion and Construction Contracts.
  • Property Purchase Contracts.
  • Leasing Contracts.
  • Protection of Real Estate Investments.
  • Drafting, Approval and Registration of Joint Ownership Regulations (PH).
  • Segregation and Incorporation of Farms.
  • Property Titling.
Litigios en Panamá

Our team of lawyers specializing in Litigation

Our team of lawyers specializing in Litigation represents and defends the interests of our clients before Civil and Criminal Courts, as well as before Maritime and Labor Courts.

It is essential for us to carry out an extensive analysis in the early stages of each case, to identify the strengths and weaknesses and determine the most effective means to achieve a favorable resolution, considering contingencies and risks, to define whether litigation can or should be avoided or if it is advisable.

We recognize the importance of an efficient resolution of conflicts in the commercial area, inheritance claims, labor matters and other actions presented in any of the Courts within the Republic of Panama.

Asuntos de Derecho Procesal Civil y Comercial, Familia y Menores, y otros.Our litigation service covers the following processes:

  • Matters of Civil and Commercial Procedural Law.
  • Family and Minors.
  • Construction Law.
  • Maritime processes.
  • Contentious-Administrative Processes of Full Jurisdiction.
  • Proceedings before the Commercial Courts.
  • Proceedings before the Superintendence of Insurance.
  • Criminal proceedings.
  • Litigation on Horizontal Property.
  • Extraordinary Resources for Review and Cassation.
  • Labor processes.
  • Constitutional Processes (Amparos of Guarantees, Habeas Corpus, Habeas Data, Resources of Unconstitutionality).

As experts, we always advise our clients on the importance of Intellectual Property from a strategic business point of view. Creating or registering Intellectual Property assets contributes directly to business productivity, competitiveness and growth.

We could say that Intellectual Property is key for business for these reasons:

  1. Propiedad Intelectual en Panamá

    We advise our clients on the importance of Intellectual Property.

    It improves the competitive position in the market.

  2. Increases the value of the business.
  3. It allows having defense capacity against infractions that may occur.
  4. Improves opportunities to obtain funds.
  5. Increases the profitability of the business.
  6. Increases the reputation of the organization.
  7. It protects the investment made in innovation.

Protecting the Intellectual Property of our clients is our commitment, we deal with registrations before the Management

 General of the Intellectual Property Registry and the National Copyright Office in Panama for the following:

Registro de Marcas y Patentes en Panamá


  • Registration of Trademarks and Patents.
  • Sanitary Records (Food Products and Medicines).
  • Copyright.

We can also represent you in litigation related to Trademark Registration Oppositions, Nullity Claims, as well as criminal actions for crimes that violate Intellectual Property.

Fusión y adquisición de empresas en Panamá

At Panama Legal Business, we advise our clients in the merger and acquisition process

In today's business world, it is very common for mergers and acquisitions to take place between companies, in search of strengthening a business and expanding. In this type of transaction it is a price to have expert legal advice, which allows carrying out negotiations that remain within the framework of the Law and that can prosper.

At Panama Legal Business, we have the ability to advise clients at each stage of the merger and acquisition process, recommending the best legal strategies aligned to the line of business.

The scope of our services in mergers and acquisitions ranges from the negotiation and drafting of contracts and commercial documents to advice focused on Antitrust and Unfair Competition Legislation. We work on each project involving the practice areas of our firm that must participate, in order to offer a comprehensive service to each of our clients.

Servicios legales en fusiones y adquisiciones

Our advice includes:

  • Define legal structure of the transaction.
  • Due Diligence or Due Diligence investigations and reports, in order to have vital information about the structure and partners of the company.
  • Drafting of necessary documentation, such as agreements, contracts, pacts, etc.
Servicio legal de migración en Panamá

Legal experience providing immigration processing services in Panama

The constant economic growth of Panama, the investment in infrastructure and mobility with the Panama Metro, the real estate offer, the natural and tourist wealth, the solid financial and business structure, as well as a dollarized economy, are attractive to our country and that have caused businessmen, retirees and investors to look at our country as a place to settle.

At Panama Legal Business we have the backing of more than a decade of experience providing immigration processing services before the National Immigration Service, with a team of lawyers, secretaries, assistants and officers to guarantee a quality service.

Below, we detail the immigration procedures in which we can assist our clients:

  • Friendly Countries Visa.Ayudamos a obtener las siguientes visas: Visa de Países Amigos, Visa de Pensionado o Jubilado, Visa de Solvencia Económica y más.
  • Pensioner or Retiree Visa.
  • Economic Solvency Visa.
  • Panama-Italy Treaty Visa
  • Retired Rentista Visa.
  • Investor Visa.
  • Reforestation Investor Visa.
  • Married Panamanian Visa.
  • Professional Visa
  • Specialist.
  • Visa for Children Born in Panama.
  • Investor Visa in Panama Pacific.
  • Visa for Foreign Personnel Hired in the Colon Free Zone.
  • Investor Visa in Agriculture.
  • Permanent Residence as a Qualified Investor.
  • Reforestation Investor Visa.
  • Investor Visa in Free Zones.
  • Permanent Residence for Economic Solvency.

Do you need us to advise you?
